Filters and Pumps

Filter Sales and Service

Key Benefits

  • We use filters by Metro Water Filter providing water needs to the filters.
  • Filters remove minerals and other solvents in water, such as iron and other impurities.
  • Not only do we sell the filters, we also service them at your request.

For more information, please check Metro Water Filter of the South’s web site by clicking on the following link:

Kevin Cochran

Pump Sales and Service

We set our submersible pumps using a 5-T Smeal pump-setting rig. We use Myers jet and submersible pumps with access to any special requests customers may have. We do service all our work, including filters and pumps.

Key Benefits

  • High-quality pumps for bored and drilled water wells
  • Brings water from well to location, such as a household or business
  • Not only do we sell the pumps, we also service them at your request.